Timetable for JOHOC:s Investor pitch events now set


We have now set the date for 2021:s Investor pitch events. There will be between 3-5 companies per event that is going to pitch and present their solution. As the environment is as it is all events are online, but we hope to soon be able to host physical events as well. 

The upcoming dates: 

  • Monday 3 of May at 13.00-14.30 PM CET (4-5 companies - tech)
  • Wednesday 9 of June at 10.00-11.45 AM CET (focus legaltech)
  • Wednesday 4 of August at 10.00-11.45 AM CET (TBD)
  • Monday 13 of September at 13.00-14.45 PM CET (TBD)

The events will be limited to 20 participants so if you are interested please let us know as soon as possible. 

You can either send an email to Lars Nilsson our Head of Investment at lars.nilsson@johoc.com or apply directly below.